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Love How You Live: Adventures in Interior Design by Rodman Primack Hardcover Boo

Rodman Primack was raised between Laguna Beach, California, and Sun Valley, Idaho. The book reveals that spontaneity, juxtaposition, collection, and emotion in any setting lead to satisfying spaces, and that objects we value need not be expensive, making high design relatable.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleLove How You Live : Adventures in Interior Design
PublisherMonacelli Press, Incorporated
Item Length11.8 in
Publication Year2024
AuthorRodman Primack
GenreDesign, House & Home, Architecture, Crafts & Hobbies
TopicInterior Design / General, Decorating, Decorative Arts
Item Weight64.9 Oz
Item Width9.8 in
Number of Pages256 Pages

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