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Lost Lenore, Paperback by Troupe, Thomas Kingsley; Bonet, Xavier (ILT), Brand...

Lost Lenore, Paperback by Troupe, Thomas Kingsley; Bonet, Xavier (ILT), ISBN 1474771696, ISBN-13 9781474771696, Brand New, Free shipping in the US Small, valuable things have been disappearing from the Library, including from a locked room. Who's to blame? The clues: strange rustling sounds, a gentle rapping at the door and a black feather or two. It's Poe's Raven, of course, come to find the lost Lenore. But Lenore only exists in the poem ... doesn't she?

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleLost Lenore
AuthorTroupe, Thomas Kingsley; Bonet, Xavier (ILT)

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