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Looking After Cats and Kittens. Katherine Starke by Katherine Starke

Lots of useful information on how to care for cats and kittens, ideal for cat owners or those dreaming about acquiring a new pet. Covers everything from choosing a kitten and helping it settle in, to grooming, playing and going to the vet. Explains the basics of cat behaviour including how to spot when a cat is angry, scared or playful, as well as how to keep a pet cat occupied. Thoroughly checked by experts, this book also includes internet links to specially selected websites where you can find out more about cats and kittens, including fun things to make for them and video clips of how to care for them.

8.17$ Buy It Now

Item204792434168Ebay Right Now
Seller simplybestprices-10to20dayshipping ( 477032 ⭐ ) 98.0%
Location: Hillsdale, AU, NSW
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ConditionBrand New
Item Length20.1 cm

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