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London is the Place for Me: Black Britons, Citizenship and the Politics of Race

Black people in the British Empire have long challenged the notion that "there ain't no black in the Union Jack.". Kennetta Hammond Perry captures vividly the challenges Windrush-era migrants faced. But she also shows that grassroots organizing by Afro-Caribbeans really did make a difference, changing formal and unspoken exclusions and bringing about a more inclusive definition of what 'Britain' could be.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleLondon is the Place for Me
Subject AreaCitizenship
Publication NameLondon Is the Place for Me: Black Britons, Citizenship and the Politics of Race
PublisherOxford University Press
SubjectSocial Sciences, History
Publication Year2016
SeriesTransgressing Boundaries: Studies in Black Politics and Black Communities
Item Height242 mm
AuthorKennetta Hammond Perry
Item Weight618 g
Item Width164 mm
Number of Pages336 Pages

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