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Lily's Journey to Forgiveness: Letting Go of Hurt and Anger by Cathy Barker Pape

Through the gentle wisdom of Gramma Kate and a special ritual by the calming shores, Lily discovers the empowering magic of forgiveness. Author Cathy Barker, Tamar Blaauw. Publisher Cathy Barker. Step into the enchanting town of Georgian Hollow, where the waves of Lighthouse Bay whisper secrets of wisdom and kindness.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleLily's Journey to Forgiveness : Letting Go of Hurt and Anger
PublisherCathy Barker
Item Length8.5 in
Publication Year2024
FormatTrade Paperback
IllustratorBlaauw, Tamar
Item Height0.1 in
AuthorCathy Barker
GenreJuvenile Fiction
TopicSocial Themes / Emotions & Feelings, Social Themes / Peer Pressure
Item Weight3.7 Oz
Item Width8.5 in
Number of Pages34 Pages

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