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Landscape, Environment and Technology in Colonial and Postcolonial Africa by Toy

Landscape defines the category of knowledge produced by foreigners about Africa, where Africans remain part of the scenery and yield no agency over their surroundings. Chimpanzees in the Colonial Maelstrom: Struggles over Knowledge, Race, and Commodities in the Gabonese Primate Trade, c. 1850-1940 Jeremy Rich 2.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleLandscape, Environment and Technology in Colonial and Postcolonia
Publication Year2013
Publication NameLandscape, Environment and Technology in Colonial and Postcolonial Africa
Item Height229 mm
AuthorEmily Brownell, Toyin Falola
PublisherTaylor & Francis Ltd
SubjectGeography & Geosciences, History
Item Weight499 g
Item Width152 mm
Number of Pages342 Pages

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