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La Historiografia en Verso en la Epoca de los Reyes Catolicos. Documentos y Estu

Salamanca, UP, 1989. 401 p. Softcover Sprache: Spanisch ISBN: 8474815452 EAN: 9788474815450 Bestell-Nr: 414987 Bemerkungen: Book from the private library of a renowned Swiss Romanist. This collection includes rare books from the fields of French and Spanish studies, Provencal and Rhaeto-Romance studies as well as other fields of Romanist studies. Furthermore, the collection includes selected works from the field of Swiss Onomastics.

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VerlagSalamanca, UP
AutorCatedra, Pedro M
BuchtitelLa Historiografia en Verso en la Epoca de los Reyes Catolicos
SpracheSpanisch; Kastilianisch
GenreIM Romanistik - Spanisch

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