The Nile on eBay FREE SHIPPING UK WIDE Knowledge Contributors by Vincent F. Hendricks, Klaus Frovin Jørgensen, Stig Andur Pedersen
An anthology that tracks the history of epistemic logic, considers some important applications of these logics of knowledge and belief in a variety of fields, and discusses directions of research with particular emphasis on 'active agenthood' and multi-modal systems.
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The aim of this thematically unified anthology is to track the history of epistemic logic, to consider some important applications of these logics of knowledge and belief in a variety of fields, and finally to discuss future directions of research with particular emphasis on 'active agenthood' and multi-modal systems. It is accessible to researchers and graduate students in philosophy, computer science, game theory, economics and related disciplines utilizing the means and methods of epistemic logic.
Tracks the history of epistemic logicConsiders some important applications of these logics of knowledge and belief in a variety of fieldsDiscusses future directions of research with particular emphasis on 'active agenthood' and multi-modal systems
Table of Contents
Agent and System.- Active Agenthood.- Multiple Active Agents.- Multi-Modalities.- Conclusion.- Notes.- References.- Knowledge, Belief, and Subjective Probability: Outlines of a Unified System of Epistemic/Doxastic Logic.- The Logic of Conviction.- The Logic of Knowledge.- The Logic of ('Weak') Belief.- The Pragmatics of Epistemic Sentences.- Notes.- References.- A Second Generation Epistemic Logic and Its General Significance.- The Prima Facie Conundrum of Epistemic Logic.- The Promises.- Promises Fulfilled by Means of the Notion of Independence.- References.- Economics and Economy in the Theory of Belief Revision.- What is Economics?.- Acting Economically, A Second View: "Informational Economy".- Economic and Economical Considerations in Belief Revision Theory.- Informational Economy with Respect to Beliefs: What has been done?.- Informational Economy with Respect to Beliefs: What should be done?.- Conservatism with Respect to Belief-Revision Guiding Structures: What has been done?.- Conservatism with Respect to Belief-Revision Guiding Structures: What should be done?.- Rational Choices and Logical Properties: What has been done?.- Rational Choices and Logical Properties: What should be done?.- Conclusion.- Notes.- References.- Common Knowledge Revisited.- Two Puzzles.- Common Knowledge and Uncertainty.- Simultaneous Events.- Temporal Imprecision.- The Granularity of Time.- Approximations of Common Knowledge.- Summary.- Notes.- References.- Concurrent Dynamic Epistemic Logic.- Language and Semantics.- Proof System.- Completeness.- Applications.- Conclusions.- References.- Laws, Facts, and Contexts: Foundations of Multimodal Reasoning.- Replacing Possible Worlds with Contexts.- Dunn's Laws and Facts.- Contexts by Peirce and McCarthy.- Tarski's Metalevels.-Nested Graph Models.- Beyond Kripke Semantics.- The Intended Interpretation.- References.- Referential Semantics.- The General Idea of Referential Semantics.- Language.- Components of Referential Semantics.- Substitutions.- Some Notation.- The Definition Completed.- A Few Examples.- Four Principles of Logical Analysis.- Logical Consequences.- A Few Comments on the Peculiar Status of the Identity Predicate.- General Properties of Consequence Operations.- The Truth Preserving Consequence Operations.- The Problem of Adequacy.- Self-Extensional Consequence Operations.- Adequacy Theorem.- The Need for Referential Semantics.- Notes and References.- References.
Springer Book Archives
Long Description
Inthe1950'sGeorgvonWrightprovidedthe'rstsurveysinepistemiclogic. Roughly 10 years later Jaakko Hintikka published his seminal work on the logic of knowledge and belief. Epistemic and doxastic logics have since then grown into mature disciplines enjoying many important applications in philosophy, computer science, gametheory, economicsandlinguistics to mention of few ?elds of applications. Knowledge Contributors is based on the Dimensions in Epistemic Logic conference hosted by ?LOG--The Danish Network for Philosophical Logic and Its Applications in May 2002 at Roskilde University, Denmark. The conference featured lectures by such recognized experts in epistemic logic as Joseph Y. Halpern (Cornell University, USA), Jaakko Hintikka (Boston University, USA), Wiebe van der Hoek (University of Liverpool, UK), Wolfgang Lenzen (University of Osnabruc
Tracks the history of epistemic logic Considers some important applications of these logics of knowledge and belief in a variety of fields Discusses future directions of research with particular emphasis on 'active agenthood' and multi-modal systems
Details ISBN1402017472 Language English ISBN-10 1402017472 ISBN-13 9781402017476 Media Book Format Hardcover Series Number 322 Edited by Klaus Frovin Jørgensen Country of Publication United States Pages 203 Short Title KNOWLEDGE CONTRIBUTORS 2003/E Edition Description 2003 Edition 2003rd Imprint Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Place of Publication New York, NY DOI 10.1023/b134061;10.1007/978-94-007-1001-6 AU Release Date 2003-11-30 NZ Release Date 2003-11-30 US Release Date 2003-11-30 UK Release Date 2003-11-30 Author Stig Andur Pedersen Publisher Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Series Synthese Library Year 2003 Publication Date 2003-11-30 Alternative 9781402017483 DEWEY 160 Illustrations IX, 203 p. Audience General We've got this
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