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John Steinbeck: The Grapes of Wrath & Other Writings 1936-1941 (LOA #86): The Gr

The novel won the Pulitzer Prize and has since sold millions of copies worldwide. The text of The Grapes of Wrath has been newly edited based on Steinbeck's manuscript, typescript, and proofs. The Long Valley (1938) displays Steinbeck's brilliance as a writer of short stories, including such classics as "The Chrysanthemums," "The White Quail," "Flight," and "The Red Pony.".

32.90$ Buy It Now

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Location: Fairfield, US, Ohio
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ConditionBrand New
AuthorJohn Steinbeck, Robert DeMott, Elaine Steinbeck
Book TitleJohn Steinbeck: The Grapes of Wrath & Other Writings 1936-1941 (L

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