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Joe Earle Nicola Scott Lucy A Reclaiming Economics for Future Genera (Hardback)

Title: Reclaiming Economics for Future Generations. Author: Joe Earle, Nicola Scott, Lucy Ambler. Drawing on over sixty interviews with students and professionals from identities and backgrounds marginalised in economics and a wide range of global and historical research, this book illustrates the ways in which the discipline is currently not fit for purpose and sets out a vision for how it can be diversified, decolonised and democratised.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleReclaiming Economics for Future Generations
TitleReclaiming Economics for Future Generations
Release Date03/08/2022
Release Year2022
Country/Region of ManufactureGB
GenreBusiness & Finance
Subject AreaSocial Science, Business & Economics
Publication NameReclaiming Economics for Future Generations
PublisherManchester University Press
Item Length8 in
SubjectEducation, Sociology / General, General, Economics / General
Publication Year2022
SeriesManchester Capitalism Ser.
Item Height1 in
AuthorJoe Earle, Nicola Scott, Lucy Ambler
Item Weight0 Oz
Item Width5 in
Number of Pages392 Pages

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