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Jack London THE SEA-WOLF 1904/1911 illustrated HB

Immerse yourself in the thrilling world of Jack London's THE SEA-WOLF, a captivating action and adventure novel filled with twists and turns. This edition, printed in 1911 by Macmillan in New York, comes in a sturdy hardcover binding and features beautiful illustrations by W.J. Aylward. The book is a true original, a gem for any literature and fiction collector..

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ConditionIn good 110 year old condition ready to enjoy
Place of PublicationNew York
SubjectLiterature & Fiction
Year Printed1911
IllustratorW. J. Aylward
Special AttributesIllustrated
AuthorJack London
RegionNorth America
TopicAction, Adventure
Country/Region of ManufactureUnited States

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