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J K Rowling Harry Potter Boxed Set 4 Volumes In S/C 2001 Shrink Wrapped Unopened

" Harry Potter And The Sorcerers Stone". "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". "Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets". "Harry Potter And The Prisoner of Azkaban". For collectors of Harry Potter Books and Children's Books.

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Binding4 Paperback Volumes In Slip Case
Place of PublicationLondon
Non-Fiction SubjectChildren's Books, Children's Illustrated Books.
PublisherBloomsbury Publishing
Weight1.5 kilos.
Year Printed2001
Fiction SubjectFantasy. Wizards. Magicians.
Special AttributesUnopened and Shrink Wrapped.
AuthorJ.K. Rowling
Character FamilyHarry Potter

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