Irish Fairy Tales, Paperback by Jackson, Jake (EDT); Taylor, Catherine (EDT), ISBN 1839642238, ISBN-13 9781839642234, Brand New, Free shipping in the US<b>• Marketing focus on combination of gift production and high content values, delivering a curated read to genre enthusiasts.<br>• Spotlight on submission process for the new stories, promoted online through blogs and social media <br>• Monthly newsletter to increase mailing list of genre special interest readers.<br>• Major interest pushed through Instagram, with Youtube reviewers and influences.</b><br><br>Fairy stories, especially from the rich tradition of Ireland where the supernatural grew from the legends of the Celts, are the magic stories of everyday folk seeking solutions to the challenges of the day. This spritely new collection brings together the fables and stories of banshees, kings, trembling farmers, tricksters and beloved princesses. ‘Smallhead and the King's Sons’ (a Cinderella story) and ‘The Haughty Princess’ (recalling Grimm’s ‘Kings Thrushbeard’) are amongst the many delightful tales of hope and reckless determination.<br><br> Fairy tales bring the myths of ancient times into the Victorian and Modern eras, where superstition and the supernatural still exist. Rooted in the past, such fairy stories bring morals and lessons for the young, and wise words for the old. They are a reminder of the power of the natural world and offer suggestions for our inner fears of the dark and the shadows. These tales provide a link between the myths and legends of the Celts, and the modern tales of dark monsters, of vampires and bewitchment, of the dark voices hidden in the earth, and the stars.<br><br><b>FLAME TREE 451</b>: From myth to mystery, the supernatural to horror, fantasy and science fiction, Flame Tree 451 offers a healthy diet of werewolves and mechanical men, blood-lusty vampires, dastardly villains, mad scientists, secret worlds, lost civilizations and escapist fantasies. Discover a storehouse of tales gathered specifically for the reader of the fantastic.