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Introduction to the Biogeochemistry of Soils by Ronald Amundson (English) Hardco

Ronald Amundson has spent his career at Berkeley working to integrate and expand an appreciation of soils within the earth sciences. With its jargon-free approach, this textbook will help students understand the up-to-date concepts in the field.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleIntroduction to the Biogeochemistry of Soils
Subject AreaTechnology & Engineering, Science
Publication NameIntroduction to the Biogeochemistry of Soils
PublisherCambridge University Press
Item Length10 in
SubjectAgriculture / General, Earth Sciences / General
Publication Year2021
Item Height0.6 in
AuthorRonald Amundson
Item Width7.6 in
Number of Pages400 Pages

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