The Nile on eBay FREE SHIPPING UK WIDE Introduction to Population Modeling by J.C. Frauenthal
The text of this monograph represents the author's lecture notes from a course taught in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics at the State University of New York at Stony Brook in the Spring of 1977.
FORMATPaperback LANGUAGEEnglish CONDITIONBrand New Publisher Description
The text of this monograph represents the author's lecture notes from a course taught in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics at the State University of New York at Stony Brook in the Spring of 1977. On account of its origin as lecture notes, some sections of the text are telegraphic in style while other portions are overly detailed. This stylistic foible has not been modified as it does not appear to detract seriously from the readability and it does help to indicate which topics were stressed. The audience for the course at Stony Brook was composed almost entirely of fourth year undergraduates majoring in the mathematical sciences. All of these students had studied at least four semesters of calculus and one of probability; few had any prior experience with either differential equations or ecology. It seems prudent to point out that the author's background is in engineering and applied mathematics and not in the biological sciences. It is hoped that this is not painfully obvious. -vii- The focus of the monograph is on the formulation and solution of mathematical models; it makes no pretense of being a text in ecology. The idea of a population is employed mainly as a pedagogic tool, providing unity and intuitive appeal to the varied mathematical ideas introduced. If the biological setting is stripped away, what remains can be interpreted as topics on the qualitative behavior of differential and difference equations.
Table of Contents
1. Simple Single Species Population Models.- 2. Stochastic Birth and Death Processes.- 3. A Two Age Group Population Model.- 4. Time Delayed Logistic Equations.- 5. Population Growth in a Time-Varying Environment.- 6. Stable Points, Stable Cycles and Chaos.- 7. Introduction to Two Species Models: Predator-Prey.- 8. Competition and Mutualism.- 9. Quadratic Two-Species Population Models.- 10. Three Species Competition.- 11. Complexity vs. Stability.- 12. Solutions to Problems.
Springer Book Archives
Long Description
The text of this monograph represents the author's lecture notes from a course taught in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics at the State University of New York at Stony Brook in the Spring of 1977. On account of its origin as lecture notes, some sections of the text are telegraphic in style while other portions are overly detailed. This stylistic foible has not been modified as it does not appear to detract seriously from the readability and it does help to indicate which topics were stressed. The audience for the course at Stony Brook was composed almost entirely of fourth year undergraduates majoring in the mathematical sciences. All of these students had studied at least four semesters of calculus and one of probability; few had any prior experience with either differential equations or ecology. It seems prudent to point out that the author's background is in engineering and applied mathematics and not in the biological sciences. It is hoped that this is not painfully obvious. -vii- The focus of the monograph is on the formulation and solution of mathematical models; it makes no pretense of being a text in ecology. The idea of a population is employed mainly as a pedagogic tool, providing unity and intuitive appeal to the varied mathematical ideas introduced. If the biological setting is stripped away, what remains can be interpreted as topics on the qualitative behavior of differential and difference equations.
Details ISBN0817630155 Author J.C. Frauenthal Language English ISBN-10 0817630155 ISBN-13 9780817630157 Media Book Format Paperback Imprint Birkhauser Boston Inc Place of Publication Secaucus Country of Publication United States Year 1979 Publication Date 1979-01-01 Birth 1944 DEWEY 003.3 Short Title INTRO TO POPULATION MODELING 1 Pages 186 Edition 1979th Illustrations XVI, 186 p. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4684-7322-3 AU Release Date 1979-01-01 NZ Release Date 1979-01-01 US Release Date 1979-01-01 UK Release Date 1979-01-01 Publisher Birkhauser Boston Inc Edition Description 1979 ed. Series Modules and Monographs in Undergraduate Mathematics and Its Applications Audience Professional & Vocational We've got this
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