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Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Experiments by Genichiro Wakabayashi (English) P

Genichiro Wakabayashi is a professor at the Atomic Energy Research Institute, Kindai University in Japan. Author Genichiro Wakabayashi, Takahiro Yamada, Tomohiro Endo, Cheol Ho Pyeon. Takahiro Yamada is an associate professor at the Atomic Energy Research Institute, Kindai University in Japan.

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ConditionBrand New
Publication NameNA
Book TitleIntroduction to Nuclear Reactor Experiments
Original LanguageJapanese
Item Length9.3 in
Publication Year2023
FormatTrade Paperback
AuthorTomohiro Endo, Genichiro Wakabayashi, Cheol Ho Pyeon, Takahiro Yamada
GenreTechnology & Engineering, Science
TopicPower Resources / Nuclear, Physics / Nuclear
Item Weight10 oz
Item Width6.1 in
Number of PagesXi, 166 Pages

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