A practice-orientated handbook for anyone who wants to repair medical equipment.
The book explains how essential medical equipment works, introduces its components and describes repair methods.
For medical technicians in training or students of medical technology.
With 600 pages and 550 illustrations, you will learn the basic principles of medical equipment repair.
Key topics covered in the book include: Introduction to the most common medical equipment, their construction, common faults and maintenance tips. Introduction to the main components in medical equipment, their typical failures and what to consider when replacing them. Explanation of different repair methods and introduction to tools and measuring equipment. Tips and tricks for every day repairs. Advice on the organisation of a hospital workshop.
Frank Weithöner is a biomedical technician with over three decades of experience in repairing medical equipment. He has worked for over twenty years with various development aid organisations in Asia, the Middle East and Africa, setting up hospital workshops and training local technicians.
Frank developed and runs the website frankshospitalworkshop.com