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Introduction to Homeland Security: Principles of All-Hazards Risk Management

Introduction to Homeland Security: Principles of All-Hazards Risk Management, Fifth Edition, provides users with a substantially updated version of previous versions, clearly delineating the bedrock principles of preparing for, mitigating, managing, and recovering from emergencies and disasters, while also offering a balanced account of all aspects of homeland security. This new edition features coverage of the Boston Marathon bombing, analysis of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework for critical infrastructure protection, and examines the DHS “Blue Campaign” to stop human trafficking. To provide added perspective, this edition features additional “another voice” sections and examines the emergence of social media as a tool for reporting on homeland security issues.

117.30$ Buy It Now

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ConditionBrand New
Recommended Age Range0-12 months
Book TitleIntroduction to Homeland Security: Principles of A
Item Length23.1 cm

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