Introduction to Evolutionary Informatics, Paperback by Marks, Robert J., II; Dembski, William A.; Ewert, Winston, ISBN 9813142146, ISBN-13 9789813142145, Brand New, Free P&P in the UKScience has made great strides in modeling space, time, mass and energy in the recent years at a neck-breaking pace, accelerated by computational advancement. Yet little attention has been paid to the representation of this information and knowledge, in terms of storage capacity, information efficiency, reliability, and from a series of peer-reviewed papers published by the authors, Introduction to Evolutionary Informatics puts together results in information theory that now allow meaning and design difficulty to be measured, ranging across a wider spectrum of subjects — from biology to bit to Evolutionary Informatics will appeal to enthusiasts in science, engineering and apologetics, as well as those interested in the information-theoretic components of closely examined evolution. Th is written at a level understandable to readers with knowledge of rudimentary high school math.