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Indian Tribes of the Northwest: Revised Edition by Ashwell, Reg

The diverse and colourful Indian nations of the Northwest Coast of North America are described in this informative little book that highlights the rich tapestries of Native cultural beliefs and traditions. Reg Ashwell, who was born and raised in close proximity to several of the Native cultures he writes about, outlines the history of the tribal arts unique to each group, and conveys to the reader his enduring respect for people whose societal heritage and customs were, in many cases, nearly brought to the edge of extinction.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 80 pages
AuthorAshwell, Reg
Book TitleIndian Tribes of the Northwest: Revised Edition by
Item Height0.6 cm
Item Length21.6 cm
Item Weight0.13 kg
Item Width14 cm
PublisherHancock House Publishers Ltd ,Canada

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