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Indian Art and Culture of the Northwest Coast Della Kew and P.E. Goddard 1974

Explore the rich heritage of the Northwest Coast with the book "Indian Art and Culture" by P. E. Goddard and Della Kew. This vintage trade paperback published in 1974, delves into the history, art, and culture of the region. With 96 pages, the book covers a wide range of topics like ethnic studies, Native American history, and social sciences. The book measures 11 inches in length, 8.5 inches in width, and has a height of 0.2 inches. The item weighs 9.2 oz, making it a lightweight addition to your collection. Whether you're a history buff or an art enthusiast, this book is a must-read.

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FormatTrade Paperback
Item Width8.5in
Number of Pages96 Pages
Item Length11in
Item Height0.2in
TopicGeneral, Ethnic Studies / Native American Studies, Native American
Ex LibrisNo
Publication Year1974
Item Weight9.2 Oz
Book TitleIndian Art and Culture : of the Northwest Coast
AuthorP. E. Goddard, Della Kew
Original LanguageEnglish
PublisherHancock House Publishers
GenreArt, Art & Culture, History, Social Science

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