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In the Watershed: A Journey down the Maumee River by Ryan Schnurr (English) Pape

"A slim but pressing travelogue for readers who are interested in nature writing at its most local level. In the Watershed by Ryan Schnurr. Ryan Schnurr is a writer and photographer from northeast Indiana.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleIn the Watershed : a Journey Down the Maumee River
PublisherBelt Publishing
Item Length7 in
Publication Year2017
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.4 in
AuthorRyan Schnurr
GenreNature, Travel, Science
TopicUnited States / MidWest / East North Central (Il, in, Mi, Oh, Wi), Environmental Science (See Also Chemistry / Environmental), Ecosystems & Habitats / Rivers, Global Warming & Climate Change
Item Weight0.4 Oz
Item Width5 in
Number of Pages152 Pages

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