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In Hitler's Shadow: Post-War Germany and the Girls of the BDM by Tim Heath (Engl

The result is powerful, sad, harrowing, humorous and shocking. In the realms of the study of female Hitler Youth organizations in Nazi Germany, In Hitler's Shadow has no equal. AUTHOR: Born in to a military family, Tim Heath's interest in history led him to research the air war of the Second World War, focussing on the German Luftwaffe and writing extensively for The Armourer Magazine.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleIn Hitler's Shadow
Publication Year2018
Subject AreaHuman Biology
Publication NameIn Hitler's Shadow: Post-War Germany and the Girls of the Bdm
Item Height234 mm
AuthorTim Heath
PublisherPen & Sword Books Ltd
SubjectZoology, History
Item Width156 mm
Number of Pages224 Pages

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