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Identities and Place: Changing Labels and Intersectional Communities of LGBTQ

With a focus on historic sites, this volume explores the recent history of non- heteronormative Americans from the early twentieth century onward and the places associated with these communities. Authors explore how queer identities are connected with specific places: places where people gather, socialize, protest, mourn, and celebrate. The focus is deeper look at how sexually variant and gender non-conforming Americans constructed identity, created communities, and fought to have rights recognized by the government. Each chapter is accompanied by prompts and activities that invite readers to think critically and immerse themselves in the subject matter while working collaboratively with others.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatPaperback, 306 pages
AuthorKatherine Crawford-Lackey (Edited by)
Book TitleIdentities and Place: Changing Labels and Intersec
Item Height1.6 cm
Item Length22.9 cm
Item Weight0.45 kg
Item Width15.2 cm
PublisherBerghahn Books

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