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How to Build, Tamiya's Bristol Beaufighter, By Steve A. Evans. ADH Publishing

This book titled "How to Build Tamiya's Bristol Beaufighter" is a great guide for young adults and adults interested in aircraft modelling. The author, Steve Evans, provides clear instructions on how to build this specific aircraft model, making it a great addition to any hobbyist's collection. The book is in English and has illustrations to accompany the instructions. It's not really a book, just a comprehensive magazine.

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ConditionVery Good
Book TitleHow to Build Tamiya's Bristol Beaufighter
Book SeriesHow to Build
Ex LibrisNo
Narrative TypeNon-Fiction
Original LanguageEnglish
PublisherADH Publishing
Intended AudienceYoung Adults, Adults
Publication YearUnknown
TypeAircraft Modelling
AuthorSteve Evans
GenreLeisure, Hobbies & Lifestyle
TopicBooks, Hobbies, Aircraft Modelling
Country/Region of ManufactureUnited Kingdom

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