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Horta and the Grammar of Art Nouveau by Iwan Strauven Hardcover Book

Iwan Strauven is professor of architectural history at ULB. Both are authorities on Victor Horta, Art Nouveau, and international architectural history. What remains of Horta's Art Nouveau, apart from his style and typical plant-related vocabulary?.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleHorta and the Grammar of Art Nouveau
PublisherYale University Press
Item Length1 in
Publication Year2024
Item Height0.1 in
AuthorBenjamin Zurstrassen
TopicIndividual Architects & Firms / Monographs, History / Modern (Late 19th Century to 1945), Buildings / Residential
Item Weight39.2 Oz
Item Width0.8 in
Number of Pages240 Pages

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