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History of Mathematics : An Introduction by David M. Burton (Hardcover)

Explore the fascinating history of mathematics with this hardcover textbook, "History of Mathematics: An Introduction" by David M. Burton. This 544-page book covers the evolution of mathematics from ancient civilizations to modern times, with a focus on the people and ideas that have shaped the subject. The book is perfect for anyone interested in the history and philosophy of mathematics, and is suitable for use in college courses. With its clear explanations and detailed analysis, "History of Mathematics: An Introduction" is an essential read for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of the subject. Has name stamped on the outer edges and inside back cover.

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Subject AreaMathematics
Publication NameHistory of Mathematics : an Introduction
AuthorDavid M. Burton
PublisherMcGraw-Hill Higher Education
SubjectHistory & Philosophy
Number of Pages544 Pages

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