HAMILTON COUNTY, OHIO New 130 page Illustrated BookEarly days in Hamilton County, OH, including the communities of Cincinnati, Columbia, North Bend, Avondale, Walnut Hills, Mount Auburn, Clifton, Price's Hill, Cumminsville, Harrison, Mt. Washington, Lockland, Reading, Madisonville, Carthage, St. Bernard, Glendale, College Hill and Ivorydale, are recalled through a mixture of colorful tales and factual data in this NEW 130 Page Book reprinted from the 1892 Centennial edition of Henry Howe's Historical Collections of Ohio. Howe lived in Cincinnati and devoted much attention to Hamilton County in his Ohio history, illustrating it with numerous drawings and photos. The spiral-bound book has the print enlarged for easier reading. A vinyl sheet protects the front cover. Among the many and diverse topics covered are: Cincinnati in the Ice Age; Prehistoric Mounds and Earthworks; Early Settlements; Fort Washington; a Description of Cincinnati in 1847; St. Xavier's College and Lane Seminary; Adventures of Jacob Wetzel, Indian hunter; the Scalping of Col. Robert Elliott; a Witch Story; the Explosion of a Steamboat; the Asiatic Cholera; Distruction of an Abolitionist Press; the Negro Riot of 1841; the Bank Riot of 1842; the Court House Riot of 1884; the Smokehouse fire of 1843; Cincinnati in the Civil War; Kirby Smith and the Siege of Cincinnati; Morgan's Raid; Newspapers in War Times; Cincinnati in 1877 and 1888; the Tyler Davidson Fountain; the Music Hall and Exposition Building; Ohio River Floods; a Pioneer Celebration; the Underground Railroad, Art Development, etc. Genealogy buffs will find a list of 1888 county officers and businesses. Biographies of Cincinnati notables, often with portraits, include Gov. Othniel Looker, Gov. Ethan Allen Brown, Gov. Thomas L. Young, Gov. Richard Bishop, Pres. William Henry Harrison, Pres. Benjamin Harrison, Jacob Burnet, Nicholas Longworth, John Platt, Jacob Wykoff Platt, Miles Greenwood, Dr. Daniel Drake, Gen. Edward King, Sarah Peter, Judge James Hall, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Catharine Beecher, Caroline Lee Hentz, Dr. Lyman Beecher, Levi Coffin, Catharine Coffin, Hugh Peters, Prof. Daniel Vaughn, Treasury Secretary Samuel P. Chase, Charles Cist, Bellamy Storer, Gen. O. M. Mitchel, William Lytle, Alice & Phoebe Cary, George Hoadly, George Pugh, Dr. John Warder, Robert Clarke, Charles Hall, Gen. Edward Noyes, Judge Alphonso Taft, Reuben Springer, Calvin Starbuck, David Sinton, George Hunt Pendleton, Col. George Ward Nichols, Charles West, Stanley Matthews, William Groesbeck, Alfred Goshorn, Christian Buckhalter, Albert Von Stein, Dr. Friedrich Reese, Dr. Wilhelm Nast, Heinrich Rodter, Karl Reemelin, Emil Klauprecht, Johann Stallo, Samuel Pike, Leopold Markbreit, Gen. August Moor, Gen. August Kautz, Gen. Gottfried Weitzel, Fred Hassaurek, John Cleves Symmes, T. Buchanan Read, Col. Leonard Harris, Henry Van-Ness Boynton, Major David Ziegler, Frederick Eckstein, Hiram Powers, John Wesley Jarvis, Waldo & Jewett, James H. Beard, Henry Worrall, John and Godfrey Frankenstein, J.O. Eaton. and Lily Martin Spencer. Wouldn't this make a unique gift?