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Books about Administration of the Christian Church discuss leading personages of the Christian churches, including bishops, priests, nuns, their spiritual leadership and administrative roles, and the church's relationship to the state. Titles include: Bishop John Selwyn, a memoir, Leaders of the Church 1800-1900. Dr. Pusey, The State and the Church, The organization of the early Christian churches, The Government of Religious Communities, The Pulpit and Politics or Christianity and state, The Valerian Persecution, Civil Government and Religion, or Christianity and the American Constitution, L'abbesse de Jouarre, and Christianity and the Roman Government: A Study in Imperial Administration.
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Books about Christian Theology discuss the philosophical and scriptural basis of Christian beliefs and practices. Based on the Old and New Testaments, theologians have applied philosophical analysis and argumentation in the course of their work. Titles include: Brief Outline of the Study of Theology, Christian Theology and Modern Scepticism, Crown Theological Library. Evolution in Christian Doctrine. Vol. XLI, David Hume and his influence on philosophy and theology, Paulinism: A Contribution to the History of Primitive Christian Theology, and The doctrine of the church in Scottish theology.
And in this Book
Books about Christian Ministry discuss the institutions and personages that have over the millennia ministered, maintained and advanced the Christian faith among its adherents and converts. Titles include: A Memoir of Rev. Bennet Tyler, How to Be a Pastor, Things a pastor's wife can do, Meditations for the use of seminarians and priests, Pastoral Visitation, Adventuring with Christ in the church staff vocations, The Christian ministry, and The Priesthood, Its Privileges and Its Duties: An Exposition of Leviticus VIII-XV.
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