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Heart of Darkness: and Selections from The Congo Diary by Joseph Conrad (English

This edition contains selections from Conrad's Congo Diary of 1890-the first notes, in effect, for the novel, which was composed at the end of that decade. They light up a whole character in a flash.. He could not write badly, one feels, to save his life.".

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleHeart of Darkness : and Selections from the Congo Diary
Book SeriesModern Library 100 Best Novels Ser.
PublisherRandom House Publishing Group
Item Length8 in
Publication Year1999
FormatTrade Paperback
Item Height0.4 in
AuthorJoseph. Conrad
TopicPsychological, Classics, Thrillers / Suspense, Literary, Historical
Item Weight4.9 Oz
Item Width5.2 in
Number of Pages176 Pages

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