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Healing Their Wounds: Psychotherapy with Holocaust Survivors and Their Families

It covers the full range of current theoretical and therapeutic approaches. The editors include writings not usually part of the mainstream and focus on relevant yet often unnoticed issues. This book aims to give to its readers a sense of how a discipline has struggled and evolved in its efforts to understand the impact of an historical event on its victims.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleHealing Their Wounds: Psychotherapy with Holocaust
Item Height1.9 cm
Item Length23.4 cm
Item Weight0.73 kg
Item Width15.6 cm
Publication Year1989
Subject AreaSocial Services, Clinical Psychology, Social Organisations
Publication NameHealing Their Wounds: Psychotherapy with Holocaust Survivors and Their Families
AuthorPaul Marcus, Alan Rosenberg
Number of Pages324 Pages

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