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HC DJ NEW YORK 1900 Architecture Ernest Flagg McKim Mead & White Penn Station

Zucker, Alfred, 230, 231, 365, 381, 390. 348-349 Central Park West, 388. 101 Central Park West, 304. 55 Central Park West, 304. Central Park West. Central Park Studios, 295. Central Park South, 36, 298.

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ConditionLike New
Book TitleNew York 1900 Metropolitan Architecture and Urbanism 1890 - 1900
Ex LibrisNo
Narrative TypeNonfiction
Original LanguageEnglish
Intended AudienceAdults
Publication Year1987
AuthorRobert A.M. Stern, Gregory Gilmartin, John Montague Massengale
FeaturesDust Jacket, Illustrated
GenreHistory, Photography
Country/Region of ManufactureUnited States
TopicArchitectural Photography, Architecture, Hotels, Neighborhoods, New York City, Nineteenth Century, Restaurants, Theaters

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