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Handbook on Artificial Intelligence-Empowered Applied Software Engineering: VOL.

Maria Virvou, (B.Sc. Degree in Mathematics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece; M.Sc. Degree in Computer Science, University College London (UCL), U.K.; Ph.D. She has received several best paper awards and has been an invited keynote speaker in several international conferences. ).

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleHandbook on Artificial Intelligence-Empowered Applied Software En
Subject AreaMathematics, Computers, Technology & Engineering
Publication NameHandbook on Artificial Intelligence-Empowered Applied Software Engineering : VOL. 1: Novel Methodologies to Engineering Smart Software Systems
PublisherSpringer International Publishing A&G
Item Length9.3 in
SubjectEngineering (General), Software Development & Engineering / General, Intelligence (Ai) & Semantics, General
Publication Year2022
SeriesArtificial Intelligence-Enhanced Software and Systems Engineering Ser.
AuthorGeorge A. Tsihrintzis
Item Weight24.5 Oz
Item Width6.1 in
Number of PagesXii, 329 Pages

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