The Nile on eBay Handbook of the Indians of California by A.L. Kroeber
A major ethnographic work by a distinguished anthropologist contains detailed information on the social structures, homes, foods, crafts, religious beliefs, and folkways of California's diverse tribes.
FORMATPaperback LANGUAGEEnglish CONDITIONBrand New Publisher Description
The Indians of California, in their ethnographic present, offered the widest cultural range to be found in any area of the United States. In the north they approximated the cultures of the Northwest Coast; in the center they developed distinctive, elaborate cultures based on local food supplies; and in the south and east they approximated the more primitive desert groups - all in all showing a host of adaptations within a relatively small geographical area. In addition, despite successive decimations by missionaries, colonial administrations, settlers, and exploiters, enough Indians survived (though sometimes only a couple of each group) to make their study possible. For these reasons they have long been an important topic in anthropological circles. Far and away the most important work ever prepared about this complex situation was the monumental Handbook of the Indians of California by Kroeber. Based on more than 15 years of exhaustive research by Kroeber, it is a summation of just about everything of importance known about these Indians. Kroeber covered demographic situations, linguistic relations (which are also extraordinarily complex), social structures, folkways, religion, material culture, and whatever else was needed to offer a full picture of each "tribe." The resulting book is a survey of each group, the typologically more important groups like the Yurok, Pomo, Maidu, Yokuts, and Mohave naturally receiving the most detail. Indispensable for every student of the American Indian, it can be read with great profit by both specialists and lay readers.
Author Biography
A. L. Kroeber (1876-1960) was professor of anthropology at the University of California at Berkeley and director of what is now called the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology. He was best known for making connections between the field of archaeology and culture and is credited with developing the concepts of culture area, cultural configuration, and cultural fatigue. He is the author of numerous books including "The Religion of the Indians of California" and "Indian Myths of South Central California".
Long Description
This monumental work from a foremost American anthropologist includes demographics, linguistic relations, social structures, folkways, religion, material culture, and much more. Includes surveys of the Yurok, Pomo, Maidu, Yokuts, and Mohave receiving most attention. A remarkable piece of organization and exposition, the volume includes 479 illustrations and 40 maps.
Details ISBN0486233685 Author A.L. Kroeber Publisher Dover Publications Inc. ISBN-10 0486233685 ISBN-13 9780486233680 Format Paperback Imprint Dover Publications Inc. Place of Publication New York Country of Publication United States DEWEY 979.400497 Birth 1876 Death 1960 Short Title HANDBK OF THE INDIANS OF CALIF Language English Media Book Series Number 78 Residence CA, US Pages 1120 Series Native American DOI 10.1604/9780486233680 AU Release Date 1977-07-04 NZ Release Date 1977-07-04 UK Release Date 1977-07-04 Illustrations Illustrations, unspecified Audience General Year 2003 Publication Date 2003-03-28 US Release Date 2003-03-28 We've got this
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