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Handbook of the Economics of Education: Volume 6 by Eric A. Hanushek [Hardback]

The Handbook of the Economics of Education describes the research frontier in key topical areas and sets the agenda for further work. Modern analysis in the economics of education has made tremendous strides in understanding fundamental issues related to the production of human capital and the impact of varying institutional features of education systems. By bringing together some of the world’s leading scholars, this volume provides a unique view of scholarship in the area. The international perspectives of the editors – Hanushek at Stanford, Machin at LSE, and Woessmann at Munich – leads to a volume with something for all researchers. Topics range from the economics of early childhood education to inequality in society to cash transfers in developing countries.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatHardback, 612 pages
AuthorEric A. Hanushek (Volume Editor)
Book TitleHandbook of the Economics of Education: Volume 6 b
Item Height3.6 cm
Item Length23.9 cm
Item Weight1.41 kg
Item Width18.8 cm

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