Scholarship on sexual minority (SM) and transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) psychology has exploded in recent years, with unprecedented impact on practitioners and researchers, as well as the social and political compass of the nation. At the same time, best practices for mental health professionals who work with SM and TGNC clients continue to evolve rapidly.This volume builds on the editors' 2007 Handbook of Counseling and Psychotherapy With Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Clients to explore the challenges faced by SM and TGNC clients today. Experts in the field examine how the concepts of gender and sexual orientation are both socioculturally-constructed and can be informed by biologically-focused research, thus setting the stage for flexible, affirmative mental health services.Chapters cover a range of practice-focused, theoretical, and empirically-based contemporary perspectives, while highlighting themes that include an appreciation for complexity in identity, minority stress, and stigma management. With concise summaries of research findings and detailed case studies, contributors provide an intersectional understanding of how practitioners can work within rapidly-changing political and legal contexts to uncover and affirm clients' multiple social identities, and build resilience.