Presents recent breakthroughs in the theory, methods, and applications of safety and risk analysis for safety engineers, risk analysts, and policy makers Safety principles are paramount to addressing structured handling of safety concerns in all technological systems. This handbook captures and discusses the multitude of safety principles in a practical and applicable manner. It is organized by five overarching categories of safety principles: Safety Reserves; Information and Control; Demonstrability; Optimization; and Organizational Principles and Practices. With a focus on the structured treatment of a large number of safety principles relevant to all related fields, each chapter defines the principle in question and discusses its application as well as how it relates to other principles and terms. This treatment includes the history, the underlying theory, and the limitations and criticism of the principle. Several chapters also problematize and critically discuss the very concept of a safety principle. The book treats issues such as: What are safety principles and what roles do they have? What kinds of safety principles are there? When, if ever, should rules and principles be disobeyed? How do safety principles relate to the law; what is the status of principles in different domains? The book also features: * Insights from leading international experts on safety and reliability * Real-world applications and case studies including systems usability, verification and validation, human reliability, and safety barriers * Different taxonomies for how safety principles are categorized * Breakthroughs in safety and risk science that can significantly change, improve, and inform important practical decisions * A structured treatment of safety principles relevant to numerous disciplines and application areas in industry and other sectors of society * Comprehensive and practical coverage of the multitude of safety principles including maintenance optimization, substitution, safety automation, risk communication, precautionary approaches, non-quantitative safety analysis, safety culture, and many others The Handbook of Safety Principles is an ideal reference and resource for professionals engaged in risk and safety analysis and research. This book is also appropriate as a graduate and PhD-level textbook for courses in risk and safety analysis, reliability, safety engineering, and risk management offered within mathematics, operations research, and engineering departments. NIKLAS MÖLLER, PhD, is Associate Professor at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. The author of approximately 20 international journal articles, Dr. Möller's research interests include the philosophy of risk, metaethics, philosophy of science, and epistemology. SVEN OVE HANSSON, PhD, is Professor of Philosophy at the Royal Institute of Technology. He has authored over 300 articles in international journals and is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. Dr. Hansson is also a Topical Editor for the Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. JAN-ERIK HOLMBERG, PhD, is Senior Consultant at Risk Pilot AB and Adjunct Professor of Probabilistic Riskand Safety Analysis at the Royal Institute of Technology. Dr. Holmberg received his PhD in Applied Mathematics from Helsinki University of Technology in 1997. CARL ROLLENHAGEN, PhD, is Adjunct Professor of Risk and Safety at the Royal Institute of Technology. Dr. Rollenhagen has performed extensive research in the field of human factors and MTO (Man, Technology, and Organization) with a specific emphasis on safety culture and climate, event investigation methods, and organizational safety assessment.
NIKLAS MÖLLER, PhD, is Associate Professor at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. The author of approximately 20 international journal articles, Dr. Möller's research interests include the philosophy of risk, metaethics, philosophy of science, and epistemology. SVEN OVE HANSSON, PhD, is Professor of Philosophy at the Royal Institute of Technology. He has authored over 300 articles in international journals and is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. Dr. Hansson is also a Topical Editor for the Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. JAN-ERIK HOLMBERG, PhD, is Senior Consultant at Risk Pilot AB and Adjunct Professor of Probabilistic Risk and Safety Analysis at the Royal Institute of Technology. Dr. Holmberg received his PhD in Applied Mathematics from Helsinki University of Technology in 1997. CARL ROLLENHAGEN, PhD, is Adjunct Professor of Risk and Safety at the Royal Institute of Technology. Dr. Rollenhagen has performed extensive research in the field of human factors and MTO (Man, Technology, and Organization) with a specific emphasis on safety culture and climate, event investigation methods, and organizational safety assessment.
Preface List of Contributors Chapter 1: Introduction Niklas Möller, Sven Ove Hansson, Jan-Erik Holmberg, and Carl Rollenhagen Chapter 2: Preview Niklas Möller, Sven Ove Hansson, Jan-Erik Holmberg, and Carl Rollenhagen Part I: Safety Reserves Chapter 3: Resilience Engineering and the Future of Safety Management Erik Hollnagel Chapter 4: Defence-in-Depth Jan-Erik Holmberg Chapter 5: Safety Barriers Lars Harms-Ringdahl and Carl Rollenhagen Chapter 6: Factors and Margins of Safety Neelke Doorn and Sven Ove Hansson Part II: Information and Control Chapter 7: Experience Feedback Urban Kjellén Chapter 8: Risk and Safety Indicators Drew Rae Chapter 9: Principles of Human Factors Engineering Leena Norros and Paula Savioja Chapter 10: Safety Automation Björn Wahlström Chapter 11: Risk Communication Jan Gutteling Chapter 12: The Precautionary Principle Sven Ove Hansson Chapter 13: Operating Procedure Jinkuyn Park Chapter 14: Human Machine System Anna-Lisa Osvalder and Håkan Alm Part III: Demonstrability Chapter 15: Quality Principles and Their Applications to Safety Bo Bergman Chapter 16: Safety Cases Tim Kelly Chapter 17: Inherently Safe Design Rajagopalan Srinivasan and Mohd Umair Iqbal Chapter 18: Maintenance, Maintainability, and Inspectability Torbjörn Ylipää, Anders Skoogh, and Jon Bokrantz Part IV: Optimization Chapter 19: On the Risk-Informed Regulation in the Safety Against External Hazards Pieter van Gelder Chapter 20: Quantitative Risk Analysis Jan-Erik Holmberg Chapter 21: Qualitative Risk Analysis Risto Tiusanen Chapter 22: Principles and Limitations of Cost-Benefit Analysis for Safety Investments Genserik Reniers and Luca Talarico Chapter 23: RAMS Optimization Principles Yanfu Li and Enrico Zio Chapter 24: Maintenance Optimization and Its Relation to Safety Roger Flage Chapter 25: Human Reliability Analysis Luca Podofillini Chapter 26: ALARA, BAT and the Substitution Principle Sven Ove Hansson Part V: Organizational Principles & Practices Chapter 27: Safety Management Principles Gudela Grote Chapter 28: Safety Culture Teemu Reiman and Carl Rollenhagen Chapter 29: Principles of Behavior-Based Safety Steve Roberts and Scott Geller Chapter 30: Principles of Emergency Plans and Crisis Management Ann Enander Chapter 31: Safety Standards: Chronic Challenges and Emerging Principles Ibrahim Habli Chapter 32: Managing the Unexpected Jean-christophe Le Coze Index