The Nile on eBay Handbook of Research on Teaching Literacy Through the Communicative and Visual Arts by James Flood, Diane Lapp, Shirley Brice Heath
In an era characterized by the rapid evolution of the concept of literacy, this handbook focuses on multiple ways in which learners gain access to knowledge and skills. It explores the possibilities of broadening current conceptualizations of literacy to include the full array of the communicative arts.
FORMATPaperback LANGUAGEEnglish CONDITIONBrand New Publisher Description
In an era characterized by the rapid evolution of the concept of literacy, the Handbook of Research on Teaching Literacy Through the Communicative and Visual Arts focuses on multiple ways in which learners gain access to knowledge and skills. The handbook explores the possibilities of broadening current conceptualizations of literacy to include the full array of the communicative arts (reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing) and to focus on the visual arts of drama, dance, film, art, video, and computer technology. The communicative and visual arts encompass everything from novels and theatrical performances to movies and video games. In today's world, new methods for transmitting information have been developed that include music, graphics, sound effects, smells, and animations. While these methods have been used by television shows and multimedia products, they often represent an unexplored resource in the field of education. By broadening our uses of these media, formats, and genres, a greater number of students will be motivated to see themselves as learners. In 64 chapters, organized in seven sections, teachers and other leading authorities in the field of literacy provide direction for the future: I. Theoretical Bases for Communicative and Visual Arts Teaching Paul Messaris, Section Editor II. Methods of Inquiry in Communicative and Visual Arts Teaching Donna Alvermann, Section Editor III. Research on Language Learners in Families, Communities, and Classrooms Vicki Chou, Section Editor IV. Research on Language Teachers: Conditions and Contexts Dorothy Strickland, Section Editor V. Expanding Instructional Environments: Teaching, Learning, and Assessing the Communicative and Visual Arts Nancy Roser, Section Editor VI. Research Perspectives on the Curricular, Extracurricular, and Policy Perspectives James Squire, Section Editor VII. Voices from the Field Bernice Cullinan and Lee Galda, Section Editors The International Reading Association has compiled in the Handbook of Research on Teaching Literacy Through the Communicative and Visual Arts an indispensable set of papers for educators that will enable them to conceptualize literacy in much broader contexts than ever before. The information contained in this volume will be extremely useful in planning literacy programs for our students for today and tomorrow.
Back Cover
The Handbook of Research on Teaching Literacy Through the Communicative and Visual Arts,a comprehensive overview of research on this topic, extends conceptualizations of literacy to include all of the communicative arts (reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing) and the visual arts of drama, dance, film, art, video, and computer technology. The chapters are organized around seven themes: *Theoretical Bases for Communicative and Visual Arts Teaching; *Methods of Inquiry in Communicative and Visual Arts Teaching; *Research on Language Learners in Families, Communities, and Classrooms; *Research on Language Teachers: Conditions and Contexts; *Expanding Instructional Environments: Teaching, Learning, and Assessing the Communicative and Visual Arts; *Research Perspectives on the Curricular, Extracurricular, and Policy Perspectives; and *Voices from the Field. In this volume, the editors have compiled an indispensable resource for conceptualizing literacy in much broader contexts than ever before and for planning more effective literacy programs for all students.
Author Biography
James, Flood, Brice Shirley Heath, Diane, Lapp
Table of Contents
Contents: Preface. Part I: Theoretical Bases for Communicative and Visual Arts Teaching.P. Messaris, Introduction. R. Hobbs, Literacy for the Information Age. S.B. Neuman, Television as a Learning Environment: A Theory of Synergy. R. Desmond, TV Viewing, Reading, and Media Literacy. M. Willmorth, Television and Language Learning. M. Griffin, D. Schwartz, L. Labbo, Visual Communication Skills and Media Literacy. P. Messaris, Visual Intelligence and Analogical Thinking. G. Page, Visual Intelligence and Spatial Aptitudes. J. Carey, Exploring Future Media. J.L. Wolf, Balancing Act: Using Drama to Even the Exchange of Information in the Classroom. D. Reinking, M. McKenna, Navigating the Changing Landscape of Literacy: Current Theory and Research in Computer-Based Reading and Writing. Part II: Methods of Inquiry in Communicative and Visual Arts Teaching.D.E. Alvermann, Introduction: Explorations in Crossing Boundaries. S.Z. Athanases, Ethnography for the Study of Performance in the Classroom. C.D. Baker, Transcription and Representation in Literacy Research. J.F. Baumann, B.S. Bisplinghoff, J.B. Allen, Methodology in Teacher Research: Three Cases. R. Calfee, Assessing Development and Learning Over Time. A.H. Dyson, Children Out of Bounds: The Power of Case Studies in Expanding Visions of Literacy Development. J. Green, D. Bloome, Ethnography and Ethnographers of and in Education: A Situated Perspective. L. Neilsen, Remaking Sense, Reshaping Inquiry: Feminist Metaphors and a Literacy of the Possible. C.C. Pappas, Making 'Collaboration' Problematic in Collaborative School-University Research: Studying With Urban Teacher Researchers to Transform Literacy Curriculum Genres. L. Richardson, Poetic Representation. C.S. Stavropoulos, Alternative Methodology for Diagnostic Assessment of Written and Verbal Responses to Works of Art. A.P. Sweet, A National Policy Perspective on Research Intersections Between Literacy and the Visual/Communicative Arts. R.J. Tierney, Learning With Multiple Symbol Systems: Possibilities, Realities, Paradigm Shifts and Developmental Considerations. Part III: Research on Language Learners in Families, Communities, and Classrooms.V. Chou, Introduction. M. Krechevsky, U.C. Malkus, Telling Their Stories, Singing Their Songs. C.L. Ramsey, Deaf Children as Literacy Learners: Tom, Robbie, and Paul. C. Daiute, Youth Genre in the Classroom: Can Children's and Teachers' Cultures Meet? C.D. Lee, Bridging Home and School Literacies: Models for Culturally Responsive Teaching, a Case for African-American English. E. Binstock, Studen Conversations: Provocative Echoes. D. Conquergood, Street Literacy. V.L. Gadsden, Intergenerational Discourses: Life Texts of African-American Mothers and Daughters. G. Pharness, L. Weinstein, Community Literacy: From Home to Work and Back. H. Adams, A Grass Roots Think tank: Linking Writing and Community Building. Part IV: Research on Language Teachers: Conditions and Contexts.D.S. Strickland, Introduction. P.L. Grossman, S.W. Valencia, F.L. Hamel, Preparing Language Arts Teachers in a Time of Reform. J.L. Olson, Becoming a Member of a Professional Language Learning Community. J.V. Tinajero, A. Huerta-Macias, Teacher Preparation in the Language Arts: A Synthesis. D. Bayles, N. Roser, Exploring Voices of the Language Arts Universe: From Tin Can Telephones to Satellite Missions. R.T. Vacca, J.A.L. Vacca, B. Bruneau, Teachers Reflecting on Practice. R.P. Mesa, Putting It in Perspective: Administrating Art Education for Literacy. A.I. Willis, V.J. Harris, Preparing Preservice Teachers to Teach Multicultural Literature. Part V: Expanding Instructional Environments: Teaching, Learning, and Assessing the Communicative and Visual Arts.N. Roser, Introduction. L.M. Morrow, D.H. Tracey, Instructional Environments for Language and Learning: Considerations for Young Children. A.D. Pellegrini, Dramatic Play, Context, and Children's Communicative Behavior. S. Wolf, B. Edmiston, P. Enciso, Drama Worlds: Places of the Heart, Head, Voice, and Hand in Dramatic Interpretation. M.C. Scala, V.C. Schroder, From Storytelling to Getting On-Line: Language and Literacy Opportunities in the Elementary School. G. Wells, G.L. Chang-Wells, "What Have You Learned?": Co-constructing the Meaning of Time. R.L. Venezky, The Literary Text: Its Future in the Classroom. T.G. Sticht, Instructional Environments for Language and Literacy: Considerations for the Adult Learner. L. Baines, Film, Video, and Books: Some Considerations for Learning and Teaching. W.M. Butler, Electronic Discourse Communities: Theory, Practice, and Research. J.M. Shiring, The Future of Television in the Home and in the Classroom: Evidence for Impact. K.D. Wood, J. Nicholson, Newspapers and On-Line Text: Essentials of the Literacy Environment. S.B. Heath, V. Bhagat, Reading Comics, the Invisible Art. R. Farr, E. Jongsma, Accountability Through Assessment and Instruction. Part VI: Research Perspectives on Curricular, Extracurricular, and Policy Perspectives.J.R. Squire, Introduction. R.E. Shafer, Who Determines Policy, Power, and Politics and What Are Their Attitudes? L.C. Wilkinson, E.R. Silliman, Alternative Assessment, Literacy Education, and School Reform. C.J. Hydrick, Setting Opportunity-to-Learn Standards. S. O'Neal, S. Strecker, State Curricular Frame-Works and Standards in the Communicative Arts. G.S. Pinnell, Reading Recovery: A Summary of Research. M.M. Clay, International Pespectives on the Reading Recovery Program. J.R. Paratore, R. Indrisano, Change Through Collaboration: The Boston University-Chelsea Public Schools Partnership in Literacy. I.W. Gaskins, Teaching the Delayed Reader: The Benchmark School Model. K.H. Au, C.L. Asam, Effective Literacy Instruction: Findings of the Kamehameha Elementary Education Program. P.C. Gonzales, M. Grubb, California's Literature-Based Curriculum and the California Literature Project. J. Richmond, The Introduction of the National Curriculum for English. W. Elley, Cross-National Studies of Literacy. R.L. Allington, S. Guice, Literature Curriculum: Issues of Definition and Control. S.W. Freedman, L. Flower, G. Hull, J.R. Hayes, Ten Years of Research: Achievements of the National Center for the Study of Writing and Literacy. J.T. Guthrie, M. McCann, C. Hynd, S. Stahl, Classroom Contexts Promoting Literacy Engagement. P.D. Pearson, Standards in the Language Arts. K.K. Wixson, C.W. Peters, S.A. Potter, Developing State Standards in English Language Arts: A Case Study. Part VII: Voices From the Field.L. Galda, B.E. Cullinan, Introduction. A. Alejandro, Like Happy Dreams: Integrating Visual Arts, Writing, and Reading. M.C. Clark, Symbolism: A Third-Grade Experience. R.M. Kerper, Voices From the Field: Constructing Meaning From Illustrations. M.R. Strickland, We Are the Music Makers: Helping Children Express Themselves Through the Magic of Poetry. J. Yolen, The Eye and the Ear. J. Greenberg, Books About Art: A Joyous Vision. K. Paterson, Sound and Resound. W. Nikola-Lisa, An Author Celebrates the Unpredictable Ways of the Illustrator. B. Kiefer, The Visual Arts Made Accessible Through Picture Books. S. Tozer, V. Chou, Playing Against Conventions: The True Story of the Stinky Cheese Man. M. Brown, Reflections: Arthur Moves to TV and CDs. K
Details ISBN0805853790 Language English ISBN-10 0805853790 ISBN-13 9780805853797 Media Book Format Paperback Country of Publication United States Edited by Shirley Brice Heath Edition 1st Short Title HANDBK OF RESEARCH ON TEACHING Illustrations black & white illustrations Subtitle Sponsored by the International Reading Association Author Shirley Brice Heath Pages 936 DOI 10.1604/9780805853797 AU Release Date 2004-08-30 NZ Release Date 2004-08-30 US Release Date 2004-08-30 UK Release Date 2004-08-30 Place of Publication New York Publisher Taylor & Francis Inc Year 2004 Publication Date 2004-08-30 Alternative 9781138834958 DEWEY 428.0071 Audience Undergraduate Imprint Routledge We've got this
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