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Handbook of Research on Nano-Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering: Guide to

With contributions from leading researchers in the nanomedicine field from industry, academia, and government and private research institutions across the globe, the volume provides an up-to-date report on topical issues in nano-drug delivery and nanotechnological approaches to tissue engineering. The volume offers research on a variety of diverse nano-based drug delivery systems along with discussions of their efficacy, safety, toxicology, and applications for different purposes. Focusing on nanotechnology approaches to tissue engineering, this volume considers the use of hydrogel systems, nanoceria and micro- and nano-structured biomaterials for bone tissue engineering, mesenchymal stem cells, and more.

174.25$ Buy It Now

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Location: Hillsdale, AU, NSW
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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleHandbook of Research on Nano-Drug Delivery and Tis
Item Length23.4 cm
Item Weight1.28 kg

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