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Handbook of Research on Food Science and Technology: Volume 2: Food

This handbook series consists of three volumes focusing on food technology and chemistry, food biotechnology and microbiology, and functional foods and nutraceuticals. The volumes highlight new research and current trends in food science and technology, looking at the most recent innovations, emerging technologies, and strategies focusing on taking food design to sustainable levels. In particular, the handbooks include relevant information on modernization and improvements in the food industry. In volume 2 of the 3-volume set, the chapters examine bioactive compounds in food biotechnology, potential and risks of pigmented-grain corn, technological advances in the production of phytases, phytochemical molecules from food waste, control of food-borne pathogen bacteria, and more.

86.46$ Buy It Now

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Location: Hillsdale, AU, NSW
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ConditionBrand New
Item Length22.9 cm

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