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Handbook of Research on Critical Issues and Global Trends in International

With a lack of research on the experiences and actions of school practitioners in these isolated workplaces, this book aims to provide practical and evidence-based solutions. Whether you are an educator, researcher, policymaker, school leader, lecturer, or anthropologist, the Handbook of Research on Critical Issues and Global Trends in International Education is a must-read comprehensive guide to the complexities and challenges of international education, providing practical solutions for improving the quality of education in this rapidly evolving field.

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ConditionBrand New
FormatHardback, 420 pages
AuthorMegel Ricardo Barker (Edited by)
Book TitleHandbook of Research on Critical Issues and Global
Item Height4.1 cm
Item Length27.9 cm
Item Weight2.07 kg
Item Width21.6 cm
PublisherIGI Global

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