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Handbook of Research on Civil Justice by Elijah Tukwariba Yin (English) Hardcove

Author Elijah Tukwariba Yin, Nelson F. Kofie. This makes civil justice both socially and economically important, as it may be driven by efficiency or access to justice concerns. The literature suggests that law reform has an uninspiring record in this field.

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ConditionBrand New
Book TitleHandbook of Research on Civil Justice
Subject AreaLaw
Publication NameHandbook of Research on Civil Justice
PublisherIGI Global
Item Length11 in
SubjectCivil Rights, General, Civil Procedure, Courts
Publication Year2021
SeriesAdvances in Public Policy and Administration Ser.
AuthorNelson A. Kofie
Item Width8.5 in
Number of PagesXviii, 265 Pages

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