The growing diversity of contemporary paid work has provoked increased interest in understanding and evaluating the quality of working lives. This Handbook provides critical reflections on recent research in the field, including examining the inextricable links between working life and well-being.
The Handbook offers comprehensive support to researchers working in quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods traditions. Drawing from an international evidence base, the contributors use examples of research into key contemporary issues such as the gendered nature of work, skills mismatch, job insecurity, work-life balance, flexibility, the gig economy and the physical work environment. Chapters explore how research methods have been used to investigate aspects of both paid and unpaid work, raising further questions and highlighting limitations.
The Handbook of Research Methods on the Quality of Working Lives is an essential resource for all those involved in areas that study, or touch on, the quality of working lives which will benefit both new and experienced researchers inside and outside academia and across disciplines such as economics, human resource management, psychology and social policy.