Handbook of Preschool Mental Health : Development, Disorders, and Treatment, Hardcover by Luby, Joan L. (EDT), ISBN 146252785X, ISBN-13 9781462527854, Brand New, Free P&P in the UKPsychiatrists and other researchers mainly from the US offer 16 chapters on the development of psychiatric disorders in two to six-year-olds. It covers risk and resilience factors for preschool children and the effects of the early environment and caregiving; frequently encountered disorders in children (oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, and anxiety, depressive, attachment, and sleep disorders) and their classification, prevalence, clinical presentation, course, assessment, and treatments; and interventions and clinical techniques. This edition revises chapters and adds new authors and topics, along with more focus on brain development and the neural correlates of disorders, as well as additional treatment approaches, such as parent-child interaction therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapies, and translational approaches to early intervention. Information on early interventions for autism spectrum disorder has been updated, as has content on psychopharmacology. Annotation ©2016 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR ()