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Handbook Of Polycarbonate Science And Technology. Donald J. LEGRAND

This comprehensive handbook delves into the world of polycarbonate science and technology, covering a range of topics from plastic engineering to chemical engineering. Written by the highly respected author John T. Bender, this textbook is an essential resource for anyone studying or working in the field of technology and science. With a focus on the subject areas of plastic engineering and chemical engineering, this handbook provides in-depth information on the properties and applications of polycarbonate materials. Whether you're a student or a professional, this textbook is a must-have for anyone interested in advancing their knowledge of this versatile material.

210.00$ Buy It Now

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Location: Hollywood, US, Florida
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ConditionBrand New
Subject AreaChemical Engineering
Publication NameMarcel Dekker
AuthorJohn T. Bender
SubjectScience, Technology, Plastic engineering

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