About this ItemThe item is a book HardbackThe Title is Handbook of Nuclear Properties : 17Condition NewOther CommentsPages Count - 332. Binding type - Hardcover. Content Language - English Category - SCIENCE / Physics / NuclearREFERENCE / GeneralLANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / GeneralProduct Description -The need for this handbook is a direct consequence of a very large accumulation of new theoretical and experimental data on nucleur properties. The first five chapters are devoted to the presentation of experimental and theoretical aspects of the following topics: atomic masses of stable and radioactive nuclides an intuitive way to understand the empirical trends of masses, based on a microscopic theory Penning traps used as a modern mass spectrometer of highresolving power, accuracy and sensitivity basic theoretical concepts and experimental techniques used to measure the nucleur shape parameters new decay modes by hadron and cluster emission the proton p, and the beta-delayed particle emissions: neutron n, 2n, 3n, 4n, p, 2p, 3p, d, t, etc. A series of tables are given in the second part of the handbook: fundamental constants and energy conversion factors the decay modes of Gauge and Higgs bosons, leptons, quarks, mesons, baryons, and searches for free quarks, monoples, supersymmetries, compositeness, etc selected alpha particle emitters recommended data on y-ray and X-ray standards used for detector calibrations a comprehensive table of all known nuclides spin, parity, mass excess, half-life, or abundance for stable nuclei,and the main decay modes with the corresponding branching ratios.We Use Stock ImagesBecause we have over 2 million items for sale we have to use stock images, this listing does not include the actual image of the item for sale. The purchase of this specific item is made with the understanding that the image shown in this listing is a stock image and not the actual item for sale. For example: some of our stock images include stickers, labels, price tags, hyper stickers, obi's, promotional messages, signatures and or writing which may not be available in the actual item.
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