Composed by international researchers, the Handbook of Narrative Inquiry: Mapping a Methodology is the first comprehensive and interdisciplinary overview of the developing methodology of narrative inquiry. The Handbook outlines the historical development and philosophical underpinnings of narrative inquiry as well as describes different forms of narrative inquiry. This one-of-a-kind volume offers an emerging map of the field and encourages further dialogue, discussion, and experimentation as the field continues to develop. Key Features:áá Offers coverage of various disciplines and viewpoints from around the world: Leading international contributors draw upon narrative inquiry as conceptualized in Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, and Philosophy.Illustrates the range of forms of narrative inquiry: Both conceptual and practical in-depth descriptions of narrative inquiry are presented.Portrays how narrative inquiry is used in research in different professional fields: Particular attention is paid to representational issues, ethical issues, and some of the complexities of narrative inquiry with indigenous and cross-cultural participants as well as child participants.áIntended Audience:áá The Handbook of Narrative Inquiry is a must have resource for narrative methodologists and students of narrative inquiry across the social sciences. Individuals in the fields of Nursing, Psychology, Anthropology, Education, Social Work, Sociology, Organizational Studies, and Health research will be particularly well served by this masterful work.
International Advisory Board MembersPrefaceAcknowledgmentsPART I - Situating Narrative Inquiry - D. Jean ClandininCHAPTER 1 - Locating narrative inquiry historically: Thematics in the turn to narrative - Stefinee Pinnegar & J. Gary DaynesCHAPTER 2 - Mapping a landscape of narrative inquiry: Borderland spaces and tensions - D. Jean Clandinin & Jerry RosiekPART II - Starting With Telling Stories - Janice HuberCHAPTER 3 - Narrative inquiry in archival work - Barbara Morgan-Fleming, Sandra Riegle, & Wesley FryerCHAPTER 4 - The unsayable, Lacanian psychoanalysis, and the art of narrative interviewing - Annie G. RogersCHAPTER 5 - Autobiographical understanding and narrative inquiry - Mark FreemanCHAPTER 6 - Talking to learn: The critical role of conversation in narrative inquiry - Sandra Hollingsworth & Mary DybdahlCHAPTER 7 - Charting the life story's path: Narrative identity across the life span - Jenna Baddeley & Jefferson A. SingerCHAPTER 8 - The language of arts in a narrative inquiry landscape - Dilma Maria de MelloCHAPTER 9 - The life story interview as a bridge in narrative inquiry - Robert AtkinsonPART III - Starting With Living Stories - Stefinee PinnegarCHAPTER 10 - Relational reverberations: Shaping and reshaping narrative inquiries in the midst of storied lives and contexts - Cheryl J. Craig & Janice HuberCHAPTER 11 - Composing a visual narrative inquiry - Hedy BachCHAPTER 12 - My story is my living educational theory - Jean McNiffCHAPTER 13 - From Wilda to Disney: Living stories in family and organization research - David M. BojePART IV - Narrative Inquiry in the Professions - Barbara Morgan-FlemingCHAPTER 14 - Studying teachers' lives and experience: Narrative inquiry into K-12 teaching - Freema Elbaz-LuwischCHAPTER 15 - Narrative inquiry in and about organizations - Barbara CzarniawskiCHAPTER 16 - Acted narratives: From storytelling to emergent dramas - Cheryl MattinglyCHAPTER 17 - Narrative inquiry in the psychotherapy professions: A critical review - Catherine Kohler Riessman & Jane SpeedyPART V - Complexities in Narrative Inquiry - Janice Huber and Stefinee PinnegarCHAPTER 18 - Understanding young children's personal narratives: What I have learned from young children?s sharing time narratives in a Taiwanese kindergarten classroom - Min-Ling TsaiCHAPTER 19 - Exploring cross-cultural boundaries - Molly AndrewsCHAPTER 20 - Mo'olelo: On culturally relevant story making from an indigenous perspective - Maenette K. P. BenhamPART VI -Narrating Persisting Issues in Narrative Inquiry - Barbara Morgan-FlemingCHAPTER 21 - The ethical attitude in narrative research: Principles and practicalities - Ruthellen JosselsonCHAPTER 22 - In-forming re-presentations - Margot ElyPART VII - Future Possibilities - D. Jean ClandininCHAPTER 23 - Narrative inquiry: What possible future influence on policy and practice? - Nona LyonsCHAPTER 24 - Looking ahead: Conversations with Elliot Mishler, Don Polkinghorne, and Amia Lieblich - D. Jean Clandinin & M. Shaun MurphyAuthor IndexSubject IndexAbout the EditorAbout the Contributors