The Handbook of Measures for International Entrepreneurship Research is a user-friendly collection of multi-item measures developed and used in the research of international entrepreneurship and important areas related to it: international business, entrepreneurship, marketing, strategy, and innovation.
Editors Nicole Coviello and Helena Yli-Renko carefully compiled 212 scales from over 820 possible measures using rigorous selection criteria. The scales fall into eight distinct categories:
Individual-level influencesFirm and team-level influencesExternal environmental influencesRelationships, networks, and social capital Organizational learning CapabilitiesOrientation and strategyPerformance and innovation outcomes
For each scale, the book includes the following information to enable ease of use: summary, construct definition, description, source, development or adaptation procedures, sample, validity, scores, references, and scale items. This standout Handbook not only builds a compelling case for a more rigorous approach to research methods in international entrepreneurship research, but also explores the best practices in development, adaptation, use, and reporting of multi-item measures.
Academic researchers in international entrepreneurship, international business, entrepreneurship, marketing, strategy, and/or innovation will find this reference tool a welcome addition to their survey research practices. Policy-makers conducting research in these areas will also appreciate this book.