The Nile on eBay FREE SHIPPING UK WIDE Handbook of Manufacturing Industries in the World Economy by John R. Bryson, Jennifer Clark, Vida Vanchan
The Handbook of Manufacturing Industries in the World Economy provides a critical and multi-disciplinary state-of-the-art review and analysis of current manufacturing processes, practices and policies. Expanding our knowledge and understanding of production and innovation, this volume demonstrates that manufacturing continues to matter in the world economy.The contributors, including scholars ranging from engineering to policy to economic geography, cover manufacturing policy and the revival of the industrial base in the US, UK and Canada, and engage national and regional strategies for implementing advanced manufacturing policies. Questions of economic resilience in the wake of the recent recession are asked, and industry and firm case studies are utilised in an international comparative context. Applying a wide range of international cases from the US, EU, Australia and Asia, this approach allows readers to view transformations in production systems and processes across sectors, technologies and industries.Students, scholars and policymakers in the fields of public policy, economic geography, city and regional planning, and business and management will find this collection invaluable in understanding how firms and industries adapt, through dynamic and design-driven strategies, to produce for established and emerging markets.Contributors: M.A. Brown, J.R. Bryson, S. Christopherson, J. Clark, M. Cowell, M. Doussard, D.M. Drake, C.G. Drury, A. Dugenske, M. Feldman, P.L. Forrester, C. Gibson, P.V. Hall, Y. Hansen, C. Harris, P. Jalette, R.V. Kalafsky, W.C. Kessler, G. Kim, D.F. Kogler, L. Lanahan, F. Livesey, N.J. Lowe, L. McCormick, R. Mulhall, S. Ock Park, P. Pavlínek, J. Provo, M. Ronayne, G. Schrock, C.D.Treado, V. Vanchan, S. Walcott, B. Wang, M. Ward, A. Warren, S. Weller, L. Winther, L. Wolf-Powers
FORMATPaperback LANGUAGEEnglish CONDITIONBrand New Author Biography
Edited by John R. Bryson, Professor of Enterprise and Economic Geography, Department of Strategy and International Business, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, UK, Jennifer Clark, Associate Professor, School of Public Policy and Director, Center for Urban Innovation, Georgia Institute of Technology and Vida Vanchan, Professor of Geography and Planning, Geography and Planning Department, Buffalo State, The State University of New York, SUNY, US
Table of Contents
Contents:PART I: INTRODUCTIONManufacturing Matters: Space, Place, Time and ProductionJennifer Clark, John R. Bryson and Vida VanchanPART II: (PROCESSES) BUILDING BLOCKS: FACTOR INPUTS AND PRODUCTION ORGANIZATION1. Manufacturing Management in Theory and PracticePaul L. Forrester2. Manufacturing and LaborSally Weller3. How Does Financialization Affect Manufacturing Investment? Preliminary Evidence from the US and UKSusan Christopherson4. Manufacturing LogisticsPeter V. Hall5. Reshoring and the 'Manufacturing Moment'Margaret Cowell and John Provo6. Relocation of Production Activities and Underlying Social Dynamics: An Analytical Framework based on a Canadian PerspectivePatrice Jalette7. Tool-less Manufacture: Digital Fabrication, 3D Printing and the Third Industrial RevolutionMichael Ward8. Engineering and Manufacturing: Concurrent Maturation of xRLBen Wang, William C. Kessler and Andrew Dugenske9. Energy and Manufacturing: Technology and Policy Transformations and ChallengesMarilyn A. Brown and Gyungwon Kim10. Design and Manufacturing: The Competitiveness of American, European and Chinese Industrial Design CompaniesVida Vanchan and John R. Bryson11. Intellectual Property and Patents: Knowledge Creation and DiffusionDieter F. KoglerPART III: INDUSTRY AND FIRM CASE STUDIES12. Manufacturing Textile Futures: Innovation, Adaptation and the UK Textiles IndustryMegan Ronayne13. Finding a Future for the US Furniture IndustrySusan Walcott14. New Geographies of Advanced Manufacturing: The Case of Machine ToolsRonald V. Kalafsky15. Farm Machinery: A Changing Path to Feed the WorldDawn M. Drake16. Hidden in Plain Sight: The North American Optics and Photonics IndustryJennifer Clark17. Traditional and Emerging Markets in the Global Steel Supply ChainCarey Durkin Treado18. Intermediate Manufacturing: Profit, Dependency and Value Attainment in Supply ChainsRachel Mulhall19. Aerospace Manufacturing: Past, Present and FutureColin G. Drury20. Manufacturing Stoke: Emergence, Transformation and Consolidation in the Surfboard IndustryAndrew Warren and Chris Gibson21. Migrant Manufacturing: Translocal Production and the Establishment of a Polish Bakery in Birmingham, UKCatherine Harris22. Skoda Auto: The Transformation from a Domestic to a Tier Two Lead FirmPetr Pavlínek23. Samsung: Restructuring, Innovation, and Global NetworksSam Ock ParkPART IV: POLICY NARRATIVES IN MANUFACTURING24. Stability Amid Industrial Change: The Geography of U.S. Deindustrialization since 1980Marc Doussard and Greg Schrock25. Searching for Advanced Manufacturing in the United Kingdom and United States: Definitions, Measurement and Public PolicyFinbarr Livesey26. National Manufacturing Policy, Local Real Estate Markets, and the Missing Region: Prospects for Urban Industrial Development in the USLaura Wolf-Powers27. The City and Industry: Deurbanizing Manufacturing in New York City?Lynn McCormick28. Manufacturing in the Knowledge Economy: Innovation in Low-tech IndustriesTeis Hansen and Lars Winther29. Crafting a Comeback: Cultivating an Innovative Ecosystem in Mature RegionsMaryann Feldman and Lauren Lanahan30. From Skill Mismatch to Reinterpretation: Challenges and Solutions for Manufacturing Worker Retention and RecruitmentNichola J. LowePART V: CONCLUSIONRegeneration Economies: Manufacturing as the Next Industrial RevolutionJennifer Clark, John R. Bryson and Vida VanchanIndex
'In Handbook of Manufacturing Industries in the World Economy, editors Bryson, Clark, and Vanchan offer up a welcome addition to the manufacturing literature replete with valuable contributions from immensely competent researchers . . . The strengths of the Handbook are immediately apparent, and include the fact that contributions are provided by seasoned scholars, active scholars in mid-career, and budding scholars alike. The editors have thus ensured that the Handbook is well grounded while remaining topically fresh.' -- Economic Geography'. . . this book attempts to answer the following: what is the role of Asia in driving innovation in a global economy, and what is going on if Asia is not just imitating and using Western technology? With solid data collected from China, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Korea, the empirical chapters in this book eloquently address this question from their own viewpoints and evidences. . . . it is always challenging to organize a diverse set of papers into a logically coherent volume. Yet the editors handle this task effectively through the careful organization of chapters. . . . The book's coherence and organization are further assured by the contributors who are all experienced researchers from different disciplines and world regions.' -- Economic Geography'As industry practitioners know well from experience, generalization is hard to come by. Whether it's manufacturing, services, or something in between, it's the details that seem to matter most when it comes to determining outcomes. The value in this book is enormous because details tell the stories across a diverse set of industries. I applaud the editors and authors on their substantial achievement. Manufacturing and related supply chains are dynamic, and this book is rich with information that offers deeper understanding about the processes involved.' -- Frank Giarratani, Center for Industry Studies, University of Pittsburgh, US'This book represents a major contribution to our thinking about modern manufacturing industries – and is not just timely, it is long overdue! The authors have done an outstanding job in bringing to bear a range of multi-disciplinary perspectives on a domain which all too often suffers from rather narrow disciplinary analyses. Ranging from engineering to social science and drawing on examples from the US, Europe and Asia, the book provides not only a wealth of fact and illustration but a rich landscape to inform those charged with industrial policy and manufacturing strategies.' -- From the foreword by Sir Mike Gregory, University of Cambridge, UK
Review Quote
'. . . this book attempts to answer the following: what is the role of Asia in driving innovation in a global economy, and what is going on if Asia is not just imitating and using Western technology? With solid data collected from China, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Korea, the empirical chapters in this book eloquently address this question from their own viewpoints and evidences. . . . it is always challenging to organize a diverse set of papers into a logically coherent volume. Yet the editors handle this task effectively through the careful organization of chapters. . . . The book's coherence and organization are further assured by the contributors who are all experienced researchers from different disciplines and world regions.'
Details ISBN1786434954 Pages 544 Publisher Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd ISBN-10 1786434954 ISBN-13 9781786434951 Author Vida Vanchan Language English Year 2016 Format Paperback DEWEY 338 Imprint Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Place of Publication Cheltenham Country of Publication United Kingdom AU Release Date 2016-10-28 NZ Release Date 2016-10-28 UK Release Date 2016-10-28 Publication Date 2016-10-28 Series Research Handbooks in Business and Management series Edited by Vida Vanchan Audience Professional & Vocational We've got this
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