With t he contributions from leading national and international scholars and practitioners, this volume provides a "state-of-the-art" look at ID, addressing the major changes that have occurred in nearly every aspect of ID in the past decade and provides both theory and "how-to" information for ID and performance improvement practitioners practitioners who must stay current in their field. This volume goes beyond other ID references in its approach: it is useful to students and practitioners at all levels; it is grounded in the most current research and theory; and it provides up-to-the-minute coverage of topics not found in any other ID book. It addresses timely topics such as cognitive task analysis, instructional strategies based on cognitive research, data collection methods, games, higher-order problem-solving and expertise, psychomotor learning, project management, partnering with clients, and managing a training function. It also provides a new way of looking at what ID is, and the most comprehensive history of ID ever published. Sponsored by International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI), the Handbook of Improving Performance in the Workplace, three-volume reference, covers three core areas of interest including Instructional Design and Training Delivery, Selecting and Implementing Performance Interventions, and Measurement and Evaluation.
The Editors Kenneth H. Silber is president of Silber Performance Consulting, associate professor emeritus from Northern Illinois University and adjunct professor at Capella University. He has been contributing to the performance consulting and instructional design fields since their inception forty years ago. He has co-authored several books, including the Instructional Design Competencies (IBSTPI), and Writing Training Materials That Work (Pfeiffer). Wellesley (Rob) Foshay is director of research for the Education Technology Group of Texas Instruments. Through The Foshay Group, he speaks and publishes frequently and serves on the editorial board of four research journals in educational technology. He is a founding member of IBSTPI, and co-authored their Instructional Design Competencies. He served on the Board of Directors of ISPI, contributed to the creation of its certification program, and was honored with the Society's Member for Life and Distinguished Service awards. He has contributed over 70 major articles to research journal and books on a wide variety of topics in training, technology and education and is the co-author of Writing Training Materials That Work (Pfeiffer).
Volumne One: Instructional Design and Training Delivery/ISPI-1. Introduction to Volume One. Part One: Foundations. 1 Some Principles Underlying the Cognitive Approach to Instructional Design (Wellesley R. Foshay). 2 A Principle-Based Model of Instructional Design (Kenneth H. Silber). 3 Origins and Evolution of Instructional Systems Design (Michael Molenda). Part Two: Analysis. 4 Collecting Analysis Data (Jeanne Hites Anderson). 5 From Performance Analysis to Training Needs Assessment (Kerry J. Burner). 6 Behavioral Task Analysis (Herbert H. Bell, Dee H. Andrews, Wallace H. Wulfeck II). 7 Cognitive Task Analysis (Steven W. Villachica, Deborah L. Stone). Part Three: Instructional Strategies. 8 An Analysis of the Failure of Electronic Media and Discovery-Based Learning: Evidence for the Performance Benefits of Guided Training Methods (Richard E. Clark, Kenneth Yates, Sean Early, Kathrine Moulton). 9 Instructional Strategies for Receptive Learning Environments (Richard E. Mayer, Ruth Colvin Clark). 10 Instructional Strategies for Directive Learning Environments (Ruth Colvin Clark, Richard E. Mayer). 11 Assembling and Analyzing the Building Blocks of Problem-Based Learning Environments (David H. Jonassen). 12 High Engagement Strategies in Simulation and Gaming (Conrad G. Bills). 13 Video Game-Based Learning: An Emerging Paradigm for Instruction (Kurt D. Squire). 14 Training Complex Psychomotor Performance Skills: A Part-Task Approach (Peter J. Fadde). Part Four: Evaluation. 15 An Overview of Level Two Certification Processes (Sharon A. Shrock, William C. Coscarelli). 16 The Role of Evaluation in Instructional Design (Steven M. Ross, Gary R. Morrison). Part Five: Management. 17 Managing ID/Training Development and Delivery (Deborah Singer Dobson, Michael Singer Dobson, Ted Leemann, Kevin Forsberg). 18 Managing Relationships in the Performance Improvement Process (Jane Ranshaw). 19 Managing ID in the Context of a Training Organization (Heather C. Maitre, Susan A. Smith). About the Editors. About the Contributors. The International Society for Performance Instruction. Name Index. Subject Index.